đ Well hello there Crafters! đ
Have you seen the very cool colouring book that Netto (the Danish dollarstore) got last week? They have different themes but I really like this one:
Has such awesome pictures to color. Here're a few examples:
The book costs 49 kronor
The hippie girl to the left is my favourite of this book!
Peace! đ
Netto have had these kind of brush pens below for a long time, now the price was reduced, from 59 kronor to 29,60 kr!
They might come in handy when coloring in the 'fashion book' above!
Some art journal spreads that I've done since the last blog:
Mostly cutouts from Daphne's Diary, the leafy greens is a napkin (that was sent to me in a happy mail a while back)
Yep, I do like my colors!!
Background is gelatos and the peacocks from a napkin (same happy mail!). A few cutouts from Daphne's.
Did this spread yesterday, it's for a challenge. Bicycle on the right from a napkin. Background colors gel crayons from Ica Maxi! Stickers from Netto. The old penny farthing bike is a diecut from Xcut.
Lastly a card, that was for a challenge aswell. Swirly stamps (blue) and stencil (purple) from Danish hobby store Panduro, that is all over Sweden.
So it's Friday today, and in Sweden we have something that's called 'fredagsmys'. Like 'cosy Friday evening'! If you want to have a delicious AND quite healthy snack, here's the thing!
I'll first take it in Swedish:
persilja eller basilika
oliv- eller rapsolja.
Du kan bland med en stavmixer eller i en mixer som du brukar göra smoothies med. Blanda tills det blir en hÀrlig grön jÀmn 'smet'.
Dippa gurk- & morotsstavar, cocktail tomater, stjÀlkselleri, etc.
SĂ„Ă„Ă„Ă„ vansinnigt gott!
feta cheese
parsley or basil
olive or rapeseed oil.
Use a stick blender or any other kind of mixer that you have at home. Mix until it turns into a lovely green even "batter".
Dip cucumber-, carrot- or cellery fingers, small cocktail tomatoes, etc. Sooooo delicious! And you get a lot of antioxidants!
Wishing you a cosy 'fredagsmys'
and a wonderful weekend!