torsdag 21 juni 2018


Hello there crafters,
I hope you're all having a lovely time. This Thursday it is summer solstice (sommarsolstÄndet), the longest day of the year, with the shortest night. In the very north of Sweden, the sun doesn't set at all; known as midnight sun.
Tomorrow & Saturday is the second most important feast in Sweden: midsummer with midsummer's eve tomorrow (in some parts of the world it's called Saint John's eve). 

(= Happy Midsummer!)

A feast where most people want to sit outside to eat the traditional midsummer food, but it has rained on more midsummers than I care to remember!

I had not been to any craft events or meetings for over a year, but I actually went to one day before yesterday. It was sooo much fun, to sit and paint and chat to crafty friends. The five hrs went past way too fast.  😃

Before this get-together I quickly went into Panduro in the nearest town, Lund.

Look forward to paint the feathers on this dreamcatcher!

Love anything swirly!

How cute are the squirrels (ekorrarna)?!

Even if you don't live close to a Panduro store you can get products for sale on their web site.
To my Swedish readers: 
Panduro har nu startat en medlemsklubb, 'We are Panduro', med rabatter, erbjudanden, klubbdagar, mm. Kul!

A couple of art journal spreads since my last blog:

The blingy purple "archy things" are from a Euro store in Ireland (bought them four years ago).  Hot air balloon and flowers from Netto.

Cutouts from a gardening brochure, and some washi tape (yep, I do love purple!!)  😜

A card for a tiles challenge. Dark brown acrylic paint, and gold acrylic through a Panduro stencil. The rectangles that are not gold are from Stamperia.

A card for a birthday. I've chosen to cover the recipient's face. Swirly stamp from Sassafras Lass, and Brilliance silver ink from Tsukineko Archival. The polymer embellishments at the bottom of the photo is from ScrapBerry's, and I painted them with silver color from Netto.

There's another issue out of my favourite magazine No. 1: Daphne's Diary. Love-love-love it!

This is the 50th issue since Daphne started her magazine in the Netherlands!

It always contains beautiful images. I either cut them out or scan them, to use in my journal spreads.

Inspiration in different areas. This is about a creative woman in London that bakes unique cakes.

Here a beautiful shabby chic romantic home in the Ozark mountains.

There're also articles about a woman in Stockholm that does macramĂ© (strings, knots, braiding), a young woman in Santiago who makes makes art with cotton thread, etc. 
The magazine is completely packed with inspiring arty stuff! 
And it has no advertisments!!! Ingen reklam i hela tidningen!!! Unique! That's one of the things that makes me L-O-V-E it!

Wish you all a fantastic midsummer holiday! I'll be taking it easy, my husband's three adult sons (and girlfriends) will come for dinner on Saturday. My husband likes cooking and he's really good at it (I'm not and I would rather clean toilets than cook!)!

All the best!   


fredag 15 juni 2018


Hej pÄ er gott folk!
Hoppas ni har det bra ute i vĂ€rmen! Just kommit tillbaka frĂ„n en cykeltur. Solen strĂ„lar och det Ă€r rejĂ€lt varmt. Har redan varit ute i trĂ€dgĂ„rden och bytt vatten tvĂ„ gĂ„nger i drickskĂ„larna & "badkaret" (gammal glasslĂ„da) till fĂ„glarna och igelkottarna. 

DessvĂ€rre har jag missat nĂ€r tvĂ„ koltrastar (blackbirds) badade idag, fick syn pĂ„ respektive först nĂ€r de satt pĂ„ grĂ€smattan och torkade sig. Synd för det Ă€r sĂ„ himla kul att se nĂ€r de flaxar i badet, ser ut som de verkligen njuter! 

Vissa av er har sĂ€kert koll pĂ„ att Panduro började med sin Ă„terkommande sommarrea i förra veckan. Var och kollade lĂ€get i "min" nĂ€rmsta butik igĂ„r. Är ju knappast sĂ„ att jag verkligen behöver nĂ„gonting(!), men nĂ€r det Ă€r 50% rabatt mĂ„ste man ju bara titta vad som finns!

Stor trÀdstencil eller -stÀmpel har jag faktiskt velat ha, eftersom det Àr sÄ anvÀndbart nÀr man hÄller pÄ med art journaling.

De hĂ€r fĂ„glarna Ă€r riktigt söta tycker jag (men det finns mĂ„nga till exempel fĂ„gel dies som inte alls Ă€r fina, hua!)!  💚  

Det fanns mÄnga fler stenciler, men jag köpte endast dessa tvÄ.

YAY!! FĂ€rgpennor med mycket pigment, precis det man vill att det ska vara. Pratade med den trevliga tjejen som jobbade i Pandurobutiken och hon hade testat pennorna och verifierade att de har starkt pigment. 
Jag har fĂ€rgpennor av andra mĂ€rken, men det Ă€r alldeles för mĂ„nga brands som inte har med fĂ€rgen rosa!? Are they mad?! Är ju den finaste fĂ€rgen av alla!   

Massor med akrylfĂ€rg Ă€r ocksĂ„ pĂ„ rea, fĂ€rdiga diecuts, mönstrade cardstock i block, mm mm. GĂ„ in pĂ„ deras hemsida och kolla.  😎

För er pysslare som bor i SkĂ„ne kan jag tipsa och lĂ„gpriskedjan Smart Buy (som Ă€ven finns i Malmö och Höör). Slank in dĂ€r igĂ„r nĂ€r jag var pĂ„ Center Syd och hittade denna himlans fiffiga sak:

MĂ„ste ha see through, sĂ„ att jag snabbt ser vad jag har, eftersom jag stĂ€ndigt Ă€r lite förvirrad!!  đŸ˜”

Fyra vÄningar, plus en platt bottenvÄning dÀr jag lagt pappersdekorationer. Praktiskt!

SĂ„dĂ€r, nu Ă€r vaniljkaffe baljan pĂ„ plats ocksĂ„! Passade pĂ„ att sticka ner medan ett foto laddades upp, för att tjonga pĂ„ vattenkokaren. SjĂ€lva skrivandet i bloggen gĂ„r snabbt, det som tar tid Ă€r att beskĂ€ra bilderna och ladda upp dem. 
Lite skapat sedan min förra blogg:

Alltid skoj att leka med gelatos. Det 27:e journal spread:et i min note book. Blommorna Àr frÄn Netto.

Kort med vallmo tema

För en utmaning med mÄnga sÄ kallade prompts.

Det Ă€r ju freeeeedag idag och i den hĂ€ndelse du tidigare missat "mitt" recept pĂ„ en hĂ€lsoriktig snack tar jag det hĂ€r igen:  

persilja eller basilika
oliv- eller rapsolja.

Du kan blanda med en stavmixer eller i en mixer som du brukar göra smoothies i. Blanda tills det blir en hÀrlig grön jÀmn 'smet'.
Dippa gurk- & morotsstavar, cocktail tomater, stjÀlkselleri, etc.

LÀtt att göra och sÄ himla GOTT!! Kan med fördel göras dagen innan man ska Àta den, nÀr den stÄtt och "göttat in sig" med vitlöken!

DÄ önskar jag Dig ett hÀrligt fredagsmys (med fetaost godiset ovan?!) och en trevlig weekend!

mÄndag 11 juni 2018


Hi there, crafty peeps!
Hope you had a wonderful weekend, with opportunities to create.

Taken in the garden May 15th

We went to the cottage Thursday and got back yesterday (Sunday). It was my husband's birthday on Thursday. We both adore it up there in the Swedish woodlands. I just love the silence, so healthy for the soul.

Obviously I had to bring crafty things along! Chose a mindfulness book and lots of markers, seems easiest.

Find it sooooo therapeutic to color images

Friday we drove to the nearest town. I insisted on a visit to 'Dollarstore'.  đŸ˜€
Photos will enlarge if you click on them

You can never have too many brushes, especially when you use gel medium...!  đŸ˜± 
Same with sketch pads, due to different thickness of sheets.

Haven't done any mixed media for ages, hence the canvas. Looking forward to slap on loads of 3D items, since everything in an art journal has to be flat!  😛 
There're a couple of these flat ones further down in today's blog!

Coffee (and rhubarb pie!) on our little jetty. Quality of life!

How different the sea looked four months ago!

Taken on February 17th -18

4 pm, 17 feb-18

I really like four seasons, but the winter in the south of Sweden is really a drag. Usually there's no snow (while there're loads in the north!).

June 9th -18

There're interesting unusual sounds from birds over the sea at night time, like cranes (tranor) and loons (lommar)
Husband is pretty sure we also heard the sound of a boreal owl (pÀrluggla). That's scary since I have a strong phobia of owls.....

At about 4 am a symphoni of lovely birdsong starts in the forest outside our bedroom window. Love it! Happy sound!  🐩 

A little card, 6 x 6" (15 x 15 cm), with Stamperia Aqua Color spray as background. 
(Circular embellishments from Norwegian Nille, that unfortunately shut down all their stores in Sweden).

Very simple happy page. A5 stencil from Nellie's Choice, that I bought at Rox Stamps in Ljungbyhed. I like the "Moroccan tiles" style of it. Ephemera from Netto.
The frosty glitter on the icecream doesn't really show!

Does any of you have the Flow books that I blogged about last week? Seems like those who actually bought them feel like the 'book' (full of crafty material) is worth every single penny. Obviously I want all 5 of them - just gonna' win the lottery first!!

If you're one of those who really like to draw/paint faces, have you discovered Tamara Laporte, Willowing Arts? She does amazing magic faces on Youtube. Also has a very sweet personality, like Umut Rados.  💚

Wishing you all a fantastic week out there!

Ha det fint!



mÄndag 4 juni 2018


Well hello out there!
My goodness it is hot here in the south of Sweden! The lawn in our garden is an ugly shade of yellow brownish, been that way for a couple of weeks.... That's how it usually look in July. 
I change the water for the birds at least once a day, and barefoot on the grass it's like walking on straw!

Malta,  May 1st -18

So when we were going to Malta in the end of April, I went to get Daphne's Diary in one of the big newsagent's shops, PressbyrÄn, to have a good read on the flight. Happened to run into this very interesting piece, have you seen it??

Had never even heard off it before, but after googling I find it's a big thing amongst scrapbookers, cardmakers and art journalers. Comes from the Netherlands. Maybe you've known about this for ages, but I thought I better blog about it if anyone else has totally missed these beauties, like me!

I actually didn't buy it since it costs 405 kronor in PressbyrĂ„n! That's about 46 American dollars, and 39.45 euros. Which is about the same amount I got as a parking ticket the last time I was at my EDS doctor's clinic.....😡 You can probably find a flow book at a better price on the internet  (I'll go for that). In it are stickers, stationary (brevpapper), labels (etiketter), envelopes, post cards and more.
I thought there were just this one, but oh nooooo!! Turns out there're several - heeeelp!! 

Flow book no 4

No 3  

    No 2

                                              No 1.

There're also a magazine called Flow (239 kronor), from the same Dutch publishers.

"Description: Flow helps readers to reflect in various ways on their busy yet happy lives. Each issue is printed on a special assortment of paper and contains creative inserts, such as coloring in pictures, special notebooks, and handy calenders".

Fritt översatt: "Flow hjÀlper lÀsarna att pÄ olika sÀtt reflektera över sina stressiga men lyckliga liv. Varje nummer Àr tryckt pÄ speciella papper och innehÄller kreativa inlagor, som bilder att fÀrglÀgga, speciella anteckningsböcker och praktiska kalendrar".

While I'm at it there's also an Australian magazine called Frankie (210 kronor). Yeah, like we need more ideas to spend money on....!!   đŸ˜Ź  

I haven't bought an issue - yet!

"Frankie magazine is a national bi-monthly based in Australia, aimed at women (and men) looking for a magazine that’s as smart, funny, sarcastic, friendly, cute, rude, arty, curious and caring as they are. We cover design, art, photography, fashion, travel, music, craft, interiors and real-life stories – we aim to surprise and delight readers with every turn of our beautifully matte pages, and have a good old laugh while doing so".

SÄ denna australiensiska tidning som finns pÄ PressbyrÄn, handlar alltsÄ om: pyssel, musik, inredning, mode, resor och livsberÀttelser.

Enough of paper goodies to buy for this time! Quite nice to have good magazines if you're going on vacation somewhere though!

Here's a few crafty pieces of mine to finish off today's blogg:

Since it's so very hot I felt like doing an underwater scene. The fish are from a mindfulness coloring book.....  

....and so are the flower and the birds. Bought the Belgian Artemio stencil on Malta.

A summery art journal spread. Most of the stickers are from Netto. 

Ages ago I spent 8 months in Hawaii (Oahu), so this is kind of a memory piece (despite the daisies!)! Unfortunately I don't have any plumeria flowers (you usually see them in leis, de blomkransar man fÄr runt halsen nÀr man kommit till Hawaii).
I led quite a simple life in Oahu; Hawaii (and Alaska) were the most expensive states of all at that time!

Just playing with perfect pearl powders

A whimsical (= 'stolligt') landscape 

Last night ouside our kitchen window.

Wishing you all a lovely creative - and cool - week!