Hi there, crafty peeps!
Hope you had a wonderful weekend, with opportunities to create.
Taken in the garden May 15th
We went to the cottage Thursday and got back yesterday (Sunday). It was my husband's birthday on Thursday. We both adore it up there in the Swedish woodlands. I just love the silence, so healthy for the soul.
Obviously I had to bring crafty things along! Chose a mindfulness book and lots of markers, seems easiest.
Find it sooooo therapeutic to color images
Friday we drove to the nearest town. I insisted on a visit to 'Dollarstore'. 😀
Photos will enlarge if you click on them
You can never have too many brushes, especially when you use gel medium...! 😱
Same with sketch pads, due to different thickness of sheets.
Haven't done any mixed media for ages, hence the canvas. Looking forward to slap on loads of 3D items, since everything in an art journal has to be flat! 😛
There're a couple of these flat ones further down in today's blog!
Coffee (and rhubarb pie!) on our little jetty. Quality of life!
How different the sea looked four months ago!
Taken on February 17th -18
4 pm, 17 feb-18
I really like four seasons, but the winter in the south of Sweden is really a drag. Usually there's no snow (while there're loads in the north!).
June 9th -18
There're interesting unusual sounds from birds over the sea at night time, like cranes (tranor) and loons (lommar).
Husband is pretty sure we also heard the sound of a boreal owl (pärluggla). That's scary since I have a strong phobia of owls.....
At about 4 am a symphoni of lovely birdsong starts in the forest outside our bedroom window. Love it! Happy sound! 🐦
A little card, 6 x 6" (15 x 15 cm), with Stamperia Aqua Color spray as background.
(Circular embellishments from Norwegian Nille, that unfortunately shut down all their stores in Sweden).
Very simple happy page. A5 stencil from Nellie's Choice, that I bought at Rox Stamps in Ljungbyhed. I like the "Moroccan tiles" style of it. Ephemera from Netto.
The frosty glitter on the icecream doesn't really show!
Does any of you have the Flow books that I blogged about last week? Seems like those who actually bought them feel like the 'book' (full of crafty material) is worth every single penny. Obviously I want all 5 of them - just gonna' win the lottery first!!
If you're one of those who really like to draw/paint faces, have you discovered Tamara Laporte, Willowing Arts? She does amazing magic faces on Youtube. Also has a very sweet personality, like Umut Rados. 💚
Wishing you all a fantastic week out there!
Ha det fint!

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